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Supporting Growth and Longevity

If you were around to remember . . .

You may recognize the scene in the photo above. It's from our original scramble — the one that created the energy that led to the creation of PAR-Projects. We had just been illegally evicted from our original gallery space and 4,124 days ago, Cincinnati Enquirer thought you should know about it.

To those of you who have been following along since those early days, thank you. When that photo was taken, all we were trying to do was figure out how to exhibit the year's worth of programming that we had planned. And well, as fate would have it, those two UHAUL trucks, a generator, some hazard lighting, a few hand-built stairs & a bridge proved to be a noteworthy solution.

The crazy thing is in 10 years (+ 1 COVID year), that 300 square feet of mobile rental space has grown into over 20,000 square feet of indoor space & over 10,000 sq/ft of outdoor space . . . that we are thankfully able to own.

Yep! That's the future of our campus pictured above.

But as you probably know, this journey of ours has not been for the faint of heart. The stops. The starts. The comebacks. It's been a lot — a lot, a lot. Thankfully, our resolve is tested and proven at this point.

So as you consider all of your options for this Giving Tuesday and beyond, I'd simply like to ask you to consider our efforts as well -- even (maybe especially) if you're reading this from afar. As we announced last month, we were able to generate over $300,000 for our project during this first wave of COVID. So now we're looking to you all for some added people power.
We've officially launched an online campaign to help raise our next $100,000 and we'd love to add your name to our list of supporters. If you have $50 to $500 to spare — or more, or less, or anywhere in between — please do. One thing I know is that it will take a great amount of energy to conquer this goal in a timely manner. And all I ask is that you give with the same confidence it's taken to go from an extremely painful UHAUL experience, to owning & dedicating 3/4 of an acre of city-central property to create an inclusive place to build arts & community.

Send some love, spread the word, and click the button below to step up in a meaningful way. Your support is truly appreciated, so "Thank you!" in advance.



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