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Showing posts from July, 2019

Meet Marcus.

PAR-Projects would like to welcome Marcus Donaldson, our new development intern! Over the next few months, Marcus will help aid our fundraising efforts in ways we’re amped to share with you soon. Having previously worked with People’s Liberty and Chase Public, Marcus brings with him experience in content creation and strategy and is looking to add to his skillset in the world of development. Marcus joins the PAR-Projects team as part of the Cincinnati Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals ’ New Faces of Fundraising Program — a writer & strategist with tons of questions, he is motivated and excited by the arts and hopes to use his experience in communications to strengthen and build relationships for PAR Projects.

2 Minute Survey: Applied Arts Education Requests in Kennedy Heights (2019)

Because we can't (yet) offer all of our classes all of the time, we're asking our community to let us know what classes they'd be interested in seeing us offer in Kennedy Heights over the next year or two and what times would work best. Please find our two minute survey below. And if interested in viewing class descriptions, please visit our website — — for more information. Thanks in advance for your participation!

A Humble Community Festival | Northside Summer Market | NSM019

Every year, a month after what is arguably Cincinnati's most creative few days of the summer — Northside's 4th of July Parade and Rock & Roll Festival — a humble neighborhood celebration takes place to invite everyone back into our community. This event is Northside Summer Market — a community-wide yard sale with free arts & music programming. And on Saturday, August 3rd, we're doing it again! As always, a day or two before the event, we'll release a printed and online map of all of our neighbors who have registered their houses' yard sales. But if you just want to visit Northside and go for it, two good starting places are the Yard Sale's Central Location at CAIN (4230 Hamilton Ave.) and our art-infused beer garden at Humble Monk Brewery (1641 Blue Rock St.).  This year, to help beat the heat, CAIN will be hosting a Cool Down Corner where festival patrons can enjoy grilled entrees, cold drinks, fresh fruit, FREE popsicles, kid's activitie