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Gabrielle Roach: 5 Questions + 1 #FunFact

Gabrielle Roach 
was born in St. Louis, Missouri and raised in Terre Haute, Indiana. She received her BFA in painting and printmaking from Indiana State University in 2014 and was awarded a Master of Fine Arts degree from Miami University in 2017.

What does community mean to you?
Community to me, extends beyond just where you live.  Communities can be elective and centered around one's interests. As a creative, one of my most precious communities is that of the art world.  I've forged professional networks and life long friendships with fellow artists that are some of my most enriching and rewarding relationships.

Why are you interested in PAR-Education?
I'm interested in PAR-Education not only because I love teaching but also because I truly believe in the transformative power of the arts.  I also enjoy working within my community because I like to feel connected to the place I live and work and the people who make Cincinnati neat!

You're a new addition to the crayon box. 
What color would you be and why?
Mac and Cheese.  This was always my favorite crayon in the 100 pack... It should be in every box (regardless of size)!

What do you work toward in your free time?
In my free time, I like to work in my studio.  I recently finished a series of nine drawings but there is always a new body of work to be started.  

If you were a brand, what would be your motto?
"No muss, no fuss, no nonsense" 

Gabi has competed in four triathlons! 


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