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Showing posts from September, 2017

A Second Look For The First Time

If you’re not familiar with us, hello, we’re Professional Artistic Research Projects Incorporated . We’re a 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The cool kids, and everyone else for that matter, call us PAR-Projects — pronounced / pär ˈpräjˌekts /  — and we’ve been creating experimental art experiences throughout Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky since 2010.  If you're already familiar with PAR-, hello again! New to us or not, we hope you'll lend us a few moments to get through this post. Our goal is simple: We'd like to get reacquainted. A lot is going on with our growing organization so, as Executive Director, there's no better time to reintroduce ourselves. And if all goes well, this will become an annual address — a progress report of sorts. Back to the basics though: Our mission is to help empower community in the arts. As educators, we provide weekend workshops & multi-week classes, related to career development & ...

About the PAR-Projects Logo

From time to time we're asked about our logo. It's straightforward. It's fairly simple. And rightfully so, a lot of people assume there's a bit of meaning behind the few marks representing our brand. So, for the curious, here's a bit about our marks. Starting with the basics, the "PAR-" which sometimes lives alone (mainly on social media) is more significant than just the first few letters in our identity. It's an acronym, representing Professional Artistic Research, but it also includes our important little hyphen. From a visual standpoint, the hyphen allows us to brand these three letters. It also allows us to incorporate our energy into future projects. In other words, "PAR- Education" is already under our organization's umbrella. But what about "PAR- Dinners" or "PAR- Portfolios" or even just Team PAR-? These examples are only mentioned for fun but, especially with the final example, the hyphen helps us t...