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Showing posts from May, 2019

A timeline showing a bit more of PAR-Projects.

Over the years, we admittedly haven't been the best at sharing our story. Oftentimes it's a too-much-to-do-to-slow-down type of vibe. But until now, the "how" was a dilemma as well. To say the least, our story is a slow-and-steady, observing-and-reinventing, complicated type of journey, but we're happy to have figured out a decent way to walk everyone through it. From illegal evictions in the private sector, to the loss of a 30 year lease in the public sector, we've found a way to keep the arts at our forefront and continue pushing forward it's time to share a bit of that. Unfortunately we couldn't embed the timeline in this post -- Blogger securities and all -- but hop on over to our information page for the newest feature of our hand-coded website clicking this last part of this sentence . ... or by clicking the image below. Thanks again for your time, Team PAR-